beets' hub

This is my extremely barebones website where i'm going to be putting all of my stuff. I make a lot, but rarely does anything get seen. This is about as fire-and-forget as I can be, so... here it is. I'll update occasionally with any writing, worldbuilding, twine game making, mapmaking, blog-thoughts, or photoshopery that I feel like putting out there.

I am not sure whether to order these by reverse completion date or by reverse posting date, so for now I guess the latter.

Suicide Squad (2016) - the beets cut - 08/10/2024

This is a weird one. A few months ago I finally watched Suicide Squad 2016, Bird of Prey, and Suicide Squad 2021, finding them hilariously bad, suprisingly good, and unsuprisingly good respectively. Last night, I had a dream where I was as script doctor for a failing Suicide Squad 3 movie of some kind, and I was having an amazing time. I woke up, and realised that what I desperately wanted to do, was to make a fan edit of the 2016 film and try to fix it as best as I could. This is all very strange sounding, and is even more strange feeling. I felt like Joan of Arc hearing the whispers of divinity except for that dumpsterfire of a film.

I did do it, though, and I had a blast. First time I've edited video since some ancient let's plays back in 2012, had a lot of fun. I don't know if it's a good edit, but I put my name on it anyway. Cropped out some of the dumbest exposition, and the early time wasting scenes at the prison. A few personal touches here and there, and the most important one: gave it an infinitely better opening. The rest is subjective, but I could have done anything and it'd have been a better opening scene than what the film went to theatres with.

I'm trying to host it as I write this, but the internet isn't friendly to this sort of thing anymore. If anyone ever reaches this page and discovers this, actually wants to download it, and finds it not working? Get in touch via Contact Me and I'll rehost it. Oh and uh, no subtitles, sorry.

Nemo Security Consultants v0.1.5 - 31/08/2023

So I made a twine game last week. I've never done it before, quite proud of it. The eventual goal would be to turn it into one of those big... what are they called. Football Manager, MekHQ for Battletech, that sort of thing. But that's a lot of work and I'd never made anything functional in twine, so I made the most basic version I could and slowly upscaled it until I reached a natural stop. Which it has. I never finished all the upgrade flavour text, but that's fine.

I may return to this someday, but I think it's feature complete enough to be a thing as it stands. You can also find it in the navbar until I can find a reason to use the navbar for something better.

Pink City BBS - 31/08/2023

This one I worked on around 2020, on and off, and made the linked site originally 2022.

I got heavily invested in using Google MyMaps as a tool to create an interactive map for a game of Shadowrun, one that I never got to run for more than a few duet one shots. I have a strange love for the city of Toulouse, and knew I'd be the only person insane enough to run Shadowrun, so it naturally came to be. This thing is unique because each location, of which there are... two hundred? Maybe? Has it's own set of comments. These comments are all dated, by a consistent cast of characters who evolve over those dates, and thus is sort of a chatroom simulcrum. It was a lot of work.

I one day would like to do more with the idea, and have spun off two potential revivals of the project; one in the town of Plymouth, UK, and another that covers the whole of Iceland. Unfortunately, Google MyMaps is a demon from the eighth circle of hell, and I could never find a suitable alternative. I'll have to learn leaflet or something one day, I guess.

Oh, and uh... the website. I made that weird html mess manually, smashing together the Google MyMaps itself and the primer pdf I had made for the game. It's ramshackle as shit, and probrably broken on mobile, sorry about that! I literally do not know how I'd fix it. You can find the mymaps on it's own here.

This Website - 31/08/2023

It took a while to make, okay? Takes a lot to stop me from overdoing it.