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Courtesy of Administrator: blueblueblue

Good Morning Chummer!

Today is Saturday, April 4th, 2082.

You have 0 messages awaiting you.

The following subsections have updated since your last visit:
UPDATED 04/04/82 |
UPDATED 04/04/82 |
UPDATED 04/04/82 |
UPDATED 03/04/82 |
                    ELYSIUM - bignNoggin - Funeral has been arranged, OpSec must be ...
                    CHATTER - Trideo - not just wageslaves who use invicta, wiz sele...
                    CITY MAP - Serie Private Airfield - Due to being off topic, I re...
                    PAYDATA - SpinGlobal OP AAR - fuck you, this is one of a kind, d...


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CONN: Ruhr Datafax T4
ADDR: Unnamed {PAN Mode: Passive}
NODE: Unknown
TERM: ATTx72 Lioness
PRSR: ATT B.R.O.W.S.E. Proprietary
LANG: English
APPS: Unknown
SINS: Unknown

4.5 Points of Identification, which is 3.5 above acceptable for a new-user account.

This account has 0 referrals from existing members. Begging for referrals is
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Newbie Introduction loading...

Topic: Pink City - All Entries


Nicknamed the Pink City, the southern French city of Toulouse's unique position and
history places it at the crossroads of political and corporate power in Western
Europe. Why? With the influx of corporations looking to break into Saeder-Krupp's
back garden, the rising instability over the Occitan Independence Movement, and the
reigniting of the Vory-Mob war, the city is on the verge of some sort of monumental
change. Where there is change, there is money to be made.

In similar fashion, the city's shadow community has been growing steadily here
since the 2071 Tempo War ended in Marsaille. Our Thirteens based community has
prospered thanks to the watchful gaze of blueblueblue, the young decker who founded
this BBS and safeguards our community against Corporate oversight.


According to the 7th French Republic, Toulouse is the capital of the Haute-Garonne
region of Southern Metropolitan France, which borders Euskal-Herria and Spain.
According to roughly 64.3% of the local population (as of 2081), Tolosa is the
capital of Occitania (sometimes Languedoc), a beseiged autonomous community which
has been occupied by a hostile French regime since 1229.

Both names appear across the city depending on the disposition of the owners or
residents. Only a single meaningful Corporate entity publically supports Occitania,
the recently incorporated SpinGlobal. Johnny Spinrad himself has blogged about the
cause, resulting in the French Government threatening to ban him from the country.


An adaption of London's so called Ring of Steel; ie the defensive measures built to
protect the heart of the city during the IRA Bombings of the early 1990's. This
hidden fortified border is the cities primary geographical feature as far as the
shadow community is concerned.

Wrapped around the Old Tolosa and St Cyprien regions, the wall is practically
invisible to the public eye. Steel bollards are hidden in plant pots, concrete
blocks slumber under park benches. There isn't a single gap offroad along the
entire extent that can fit even a small car through it. The canals are a more
obvious feature, widened slightly and reinforced as they are.

Of course those are all ancient solutions to terrorist and gang violence concerns.
Following the Crash 2.0, the wall was upgraded at great expense with wireless
surveillance devices. If you cross the wall, your SIN is absolutely going to get
scanned, and retained on file temporarily. If the alarm goes off and the
Gendarmerie are called, someone will eventually connect the dots and that will come
back to haunt you.


Based in Toulouse itself, AESA is the local powerhouse, born from the ashes of the
Airbus Consortium. Rebuilding from that failure, they have expanded rapidly and
ambitiously, stealing businesses out from under larger companies clutches with wild
risks. So far it has worked out well for them, and they have blossomed thanks to
contracts with the Corporate Court itself and airports all across Europe.

AESA is a relatively new kid on the block, untested and unbloodied, having striven
from success to success. They are known to hire large numbers of Shadowrunners and
former criminals to make up for their lack of homegrown employees. Occasionally
their runs will pay off, occasionally their runs will be wildly beyond what you
signed up for. Their slogan reads: "Dare to Dream Bigger".


France is unusual amongst many nations in it's pro-Metahuman stance. It is one of
very few countries which allows Pixies to have National SINs, and has a lower
number of Hate Crimes Per Million People than any other country in Europe. This is
not to say that racism is not a problem, this is still a country that allows groups
like the Chambre Nouveau to operate freely within it's borders, however Metahumans
within the city are more prone to being made redundant or homeless due to class,
religious, or nationalistic pressures than ethnic or metahuman ones.


Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Magic, which is generally feared
throughout the country. Thanks to the Mist of Brittany, the general propulation is
generally of a mind that Magic and the Awakened are scary, dangerous, and
fascinating. The practice is not illegal, but as the French Tourist Board puts it:
"It is advisable not to conspicuously display magic as it will provoke a fearful
Similarly, the reaction to the Brookes Thaumaturgy attempt to open a
public magical store in Toulouse was to have fourteen arson attempts in a one year
period. The company is trying to change the public's perception, but it's still
early days.


Cybernetics are similarly unpopular in France, generally considered to be somewhere
on a spectrum from pitied amputees to dangerous deviants. It is often advised to
keep such cybernetics hidden under clothing, with the exception of datajacks and
fashionware. The fact that a number of Gangs have publically embraced Cyberware has
not helped this perception. Bioware on the other hand is much more popular, with
several public clinics offering discrete upgrades to the consumer market to
fantastic success. This applies not only to prosthetic applications, but even to


Where France traditionally varied from most of Europe was it's strict gun laws,
which rendered firearms of any sort completely illegal. Ares found this untenable
however, and has managed to greatly expand the legal and licenced categories of
firearms in the city - conveniently opening several stores and flooding older
models onto the streets as they did so. Those wielding Magic and Augmentations can
sometimes find themselves classified as an illegal weapon under still extant older
laws, making this a particuarly hostile country if you ever get caught and tried.

Loading Relevant History...

2010 | VITAS First Wave
2011 | The Awakening
2012 | French Catholic Church breaks from Vatican
2018 | Iles Corporation established in Toulouse
2021 | Night of Goblinisation
2021 | Riots result in the creation of The Thirteens
2022 | VITAS Second Wave
2023 | 'The Mist' appears for the first time in Brittany
2028 | First Disasterous Earthquake hits Southern France
2029 | The Crash of 29 takes out the Internet
2029 | Collapse of the 5th French Republic
2029 | Founding of Euskal-Herria
2030 | Airbus buys up land around the Toulouse Airport
2031 | Start of the Eurowars
2033 | Occitan Council revives Free Tolosa Movement
2035 | Decline of the old industrial heart of Toulouse
2036 | Effective end of the Eurowars
2037 | Founding of the 6th French Republic
2038 | Anti-Corp Loureau Act passes in France
2039 | SK buys land north of Muret in mockery of Loreau
2040 | Free Tolosa declares unilateral Independence
2043 | Second Disasterous Earthquake in Southern France
2043 | France re-annexes Toulouse, dispands Free Tolosa
2044 | The Sacrifice forms in abandoned Toulouse region
2046 | European Mobs form the Alta Commissione alliance
2051 | Spinrad loses Extraterritoriality rights in France
2053 | CAZ is established in Toulouse following civic revolt
2054 | France expels Euskal-Herria embassy from Toulouse
2058 | Saint-Dennis massacre of Metahumans in Paris
2059 | Chambre Nouveaux arrives in Toulouse
2061 | SURGE arrives with Halley's Comet
2061 | Sons of SURGE incorporated in Toulouse
2063 | France joins the NEEC, Lofwyr's new EU
2064 | Crash 2.0 cripples the Wired Matrix
2064 | Vory-Mob war reignites in France
2065 | Airbus Auction of Extraterritorial property in Toulouse
2066 | France recognises the autonomy of the Korrigan
2066 | Basilique Saint-Sernin rebuilt as private residence
2069 | Caballos Furiosos arrive in Toulouse
2071 | France is sanctioned by NEEC for espionage
2071 | Project Omen scandal, Purge of French government
2071 | Tempo Drug War cripples White Vory in south France
2072 | Vory 'Marseille Organizatsi' arrives in Toulouse
2074 | Korrigan claim Bichou Forest in Toulouse
2075 | Thirteens expands westwards during Blagnac Riots
2076 | Amidonniers region of the Thirteens is reincorporated
2077 | A-A Developments begins to be built up
2078 | Shiawase opens the first Yamato R. in Toulouse
2078 | Infamous Toulouse crPr-e run occurs, goes viral
2079 | Neo-Revolution creates the 7th French Republic
2079 | blueblueblue creates the Tolosan BBS
2080 | Spinrad buys Global Sandstorm, becomes SpinGlobal
2080 | Euskal-Herria embassy reopens in Toulouse


Loading Pink City Map...

Accessing secondary node...

Admin Note: Welcome Message

Welcome, Chummer, to the Pink City. You are not the first to try and find fortune here, but you are rather early to the banquet. Our profession did not exist here before the Tempo War of 71, and has remained rather small until recently. After the death of a dear friend of mine, I decided to open the city up for future guests.

Thus: this map.

I can only hope it will serve you as well as it did the runners before you, and that its archaic aesthetic does not offend your creative sensibilities. We will continue to update it as times go on, and invite you to take part should you find something interesting to report.

All information should be taken with a pinch of salt, as most of it is either opinion or distilled truth of some sort. There are no doubt mistakes, but I have been told that imperfections are beautiful, so I have endeavoured not to tidy them all up. To the new generation of Runners, the old guard: myself, OP, Fried Chicken, and Saiba, we welcome you to the Pink City.

Always take the Paydata, never trust the Johnson, and never make a deal with a Dragon.

blueblueblue {23/11/81}

Deployment of service from node /horizon/archeoprograms/my_maps complete
ERROR: 107233 - Incomplete Deployment of script "cleanui", please contact your sy...
ERROR: 107233 - Incomplete Deployment of script "propriout", please contact your ...


Terminating Connection...

Stay Safe, Sate